Copyright | (C) Frank Staals |
License | see the LICENSE file |
Maintainer | Frank Staals |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | GHC2021 |
- class (IntervalLike_ interval r, NumType interval ~ r) => Interval_ interval r | interval -> r
- pattern Interval_ :: Interval_ interval r => StartPointOf interval -> EndPointOf interval -> interval
- class (HasStart interval point, HasStartPoint interval (StartPointOf interval), HasEnd interval point, HasEndPoint interval (EndPointOf interval), EndPoint_ (EndPointOf interval), IxValue (EndPointOf interval) ~ point, EndPoint_ (StartPointOf interval), IxValue (StartPointOf interval) ~ point) => IntervalLike_ interval point | interval -> point
- class Interval_ interval point => ConstructableInterval_ interval point where
- mkInterval :: StartPointOf interval -> EndPointOf interval -> interval
- buildInterval :: StartPointOf interval -> EndPointOf interval -> interval
- class (Interval_ interval r, StartPointOf interval ~ EndPoint 'Closed r, EndPointOf interval ~ EndPoint 'Closed r) => ClosedInterval_ interval r
- pattern ClosedInterval_ :: ClosedInterval_ interval r => r -> r -> interval
- class (ClosedInterval_ interval r, ConstructableInterval_ interval r) => ConstructableClosedInterval_ interval r where
- mkClosedInterval :: r -> r -> interval
- buildClosedInterval :: r -> r -> interval
- clampTo :: (ClosedInterval_ interval r, Ord r) => interval -> r -> r
- class (Interval_ interval r, StartPointOf interval ~ EndPoint 'Open r, EndPointOf interval ~ EndPoint 'Open r) => OpenInterval_ interval r | interval -> r
- pattern OpenInterval_ :: OpenInterval_ interval r => r -> r -> interval
- class (OpenInterval_ interval r, ConstructableInterval_ interval r) => ConstructableOpenInterval_ interval r | interval -> r where
- mkOpenInterval :: r -> r -> interval
- class HasStart seg p | seg -> p where
- class HasEnd seg p | seg -> p where
- startAndEnd :: (HasStart seg p, HasEnd seg p) => seg -> (p, p)
- type family StartPointOf interval
- type family EndPointOf interval
- class HasStartPoint seg p | seg -> p where
- startPoint :: Lens' seg p
- class HasEndPoint seg p | seg -> p where
- startAndEndPoint :: (HasStartPoint seg s, HasEndPoint seg e) => seg -> (s, e)
- inInterval :: forall interval r. (Ord r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> PointLocationResult
- stabsInterval :: forall interval r. (Ord r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> Bool
- compareInterval :: (Ord r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> Ordering
- compareIntervalExact :: (Ord r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> CompareInterval
- data CompareInterval
- shiftLeft :: (Num r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> interval
- shiftRight :: (Num r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> interval
- duration :: (Interval_ interval r, Num r) => interval -> r
- module HGeometry.Interval.EndPoint
class (IntervalLike_ interval r, NumType interval ~ r) => Interval_ interval r | interval -> r Source #
A class for types representing Intervals
Interval_ (HalfOpenInterval r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.HalfOpen | |
Interval_ interval r => Interval_ (interval :+ extra) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class | |
(EndPoint_ (endPoint r), IxValue (endPoint r) ~ r) => Interval_ (Interval endPoint r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal |
pattern Interval_ :: Interval_ interval r => StartPointOf interval -> EndPointOf interval -> interval Source #
Pattern to match on intervals
class (HasStart interval point, HasStartPoint interval (StartPointOf interval), HasEnd interval point, HasEndPoint interval (EndPointOf interval), EndPoint_ (EndPointOf interval), IxValue (EndPointOf interval) ~ point, EndPoint_ (StartPointOf interval), IxValue (StartPointOf interval) ~ point) => IntervalLike_ interval point | interval -> point Source #
A class for types representing interval like objects
IntervalLike_ (HalfOpenInterval r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.HalfOpen | |
(IxValue (endPoint point) ~ point, EndPoint_ (endPoint point)) => IntervalLike_ (LineSegment endPoint point) point Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.LineSegment.Internal | |
IntervalLike_ interval point => IntervalLike_ (interval :+ extra) point Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class | |
(EndPoint_ (endPoint r), IxValue (endPoint r) ~ r) => IntervalLike_ (Interval endPoint r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal |
class Interval_ interval point => ConstructableInterval_ interval point where Source #
A class for constructable intervals
Minimal complete definition
mkInterval :: StartPointOf interval -> EndPointOf interval -> interval Source #
Construct an interval given its start and end point.
pre: start < end
buildInterval :: StartPointOf interval -> EndPointOf interval -> interval Source #
Construct an interval given two points. This makes sure the start-point comes before the endpoint.
pre: it is possible to construct a valid, non-empty interval this way. so if either endpoint is open the endpoints should not coincide.
class (Interval_ interval r, StartPointOf interval ~ EndPoint 'Closed r, EndPointOf interval ~ EndPoint 'Closed r) => ClosedInterval_ interval r Source #
A class representing closed intervals, i.e. intervals that include their endpoints
ClosedInterval_ (ClosedInterval r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal | |
ClosedInterval_ interval r => ClosedInterval_ (interval :+ extra) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class |
pattern ClosedInterval_ :: ClosedInterval_ interval r => r -> r -> interval Source #
Pattern matching on an arbitrary closed interval
class (ClosedInterval_ interval r, ConstructableInterval_ interval r) => ConstructableClosedInterval_ interval r where Source #
A class representing constructable closed intervals
Minimal complete definition
mkClosedInterval :: r -> r -> interval Source #
Construct an interval given its start and end point.
buildClosedInterval :: r -> r -> interval Source #
Construct an interval given two points. This makes sure the start-point comes before the endpoint.
ConstructableClosedInterval_ (ClosedInterval r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal Methods mkClosedInterval :: r -> r -> ClosedInterval r Source # buildClosedInterval :: r -> r -> ClosedInterval r Source # | |
(ConstructableClosedInterval_ interval r, Default extra) => ConstructableClosedInterval_ (interval :+ extra) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class Methods mkClosedInterval :: r -> r -> interval :+ extra Source # buildClosedInterval :: r -> r -> interval :+ extra Source # |
clampTo :: (ClosedInterval_ interval r, Ord r) => interval -> r -> r Source #
Clamps a value to an interval. I.e. if the value lies outside the range we report the closest value "in the range".
clampTo (ClosedInterval 0 10) 20
clampTo (ClosedInterval 0 10) (-20)
clampTo (ClosedInterval 0 10) 5
class (Interval_ interval r, StartPointOf interval ~ EndPoint 'Open r, EndPointOf interval ~ EndPoint 'Open r) => OpenInterval_ interval r | interval -> r Source #
A class representing open intervals, i.e. intervals that exclude their endpoints
OpenInterval_ (OpenInterval r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal | |
OpenInterval_ interval r => OpenInterval_ (interval :+ extra) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class |
pattern OpenInterval_ :: OpenInterval_ interval r => r -> r -> interval Source #
Pattern matching on an arbitrary open interval
class (OpenInterval_ interval r, ConstructableInterval_ interval r) => ConstructableOpenInterval_ interval r | interval -> r where Source #
Constructable Open intervals
Minimal complete definition
mkOpenInterval :: r -> r -> interval Source #
Construct an interval given its start s and end point t.
pre: s < t
ConstructableOpenInterval_ (OpenInterval r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal Methods mkOpenInterval :: r -> r -> OpenInterval r Source # | |
(ConstructableOpenInterval_ interval r, Default extra) => ConstructableOpenInterval_ (interval :+ extra) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class Methods mkOpenInterval :: r -> r -> interval :+ extra Source # |
class HasStart seg p | seg -> p where Source #
Things that have a start point
HasStart (HalfLine point) point Source # | |
HasStart (HalfOpenInterval r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.HalfOpen Methods start :: Lens' (HalfOpenInterval r) r Source # | |
(IxValue (endPoint point) ~ point, EndPoint_ (endPoint point)) => HasStart (LineSegment endPoint point) point Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.LineSegment.Internal Methods start :: Lens' (LineSegment endPoint point) point Source # | |
HasStart seg p => HasStart (seg :+ extra) p Source # | |
(EndPoint_ (endPoint r), IxValue (endPoint r) ~ r) => HasStart (Interval endPoint r) r Source # | |
class HasEnd seg p | seg -> p where Source #
Things that have an end point
HasEnd (HalfOpenInterval r) r Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.HalfOpen Methods end :: Lens' (HalfOpenInterval r) r Source # | |
(IxValue (endPoint point) ~ point, EndPoint_ (endPoint point)) => HasEnd (LineSegment endPoint point) point Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.LineSegment.Internal Methods end :: Lens' (LineSegment endPoint point) point Source # | |
HasEnd seg p => HasEnd (seg :+ extra) p Source # | |
(EndPoint_ (endPoint r), IxValue (endPoint r) ~ r) => HasEnd (Interval endPoint r) r Source # | |
startAndEnd :: (HasStart seg p, HasEnd seg p) => seg -> (p, p) Source #
Get both the start and end of something that has a start and end.
type family StartPointOf interval Source #
type family to declare the type of startpoint for an interval, the idea is to define this as one of the endpoinst form the Endpoints module
type StartPointOf (HalfOpenInterval r) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.HalfOpen | |
type StartPointOf (LineSegment endPoint point) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.LineSegment.Internal | |
type StartPointOf (interval :+ extra) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class | |
type StartPointOf (Interval endPoint r) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal |
type family EndPointOf interval Source #
type family to declare the type of endpoint for an interval, the idea is to define this as one of the endpoinst form the Endpoints module
type EndPointOf (HalfOpenInterval r) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.HalfOpen | |
type EndPointOf (LineSegment endPoint point) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.LineSegment.Internal | |
type EndPointOf (interval :+ extra) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class | |
type EndPointOf (Interval endPoint r) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal |
class HasStartPoint seg p | seg -> p where Source #
Things that have a start point
HasStartPoint (HalfOpenInterval r) (EndPoint 'Open r) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.HalfOpen Methods startPoint :: Lens' (HalfOpenInterval r) (EndPoint 'Open r) Source # | |
HasStartPoint seg p => HasStartPoint (seg :+ extra) p Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class Methods startPoint :: Lens' (seg :+ extra) p Source # | |
IxValue (endPoint point) ~ point => HasStartPoint (LineSegment endPoint point) (endPoint point) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.LineSegment.Internal Methods startPoint :: Lens' (LineSegment endPoint point) (endPoint point) Source # | |
HasStartPoint (Interval endPoint r) (endPoint r) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Internal Methods startPoint :: Lens' (Interval endPoint r) (endPoint r) Source # |
class HasEndPoint seg p | seg -> p where Source #
Things that have an end point
HasEndPoint (HalfOpenInterval r) (EndPoint 'Closed r) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.HalfOpen | |
HasEndPoint seg p => HasEndPoint (seg :+ extra) p Source # | |
IxValue (endPoint point) ~ point => HasEndPoint (LineSegment endPoint point) (endPoint point) Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.LineSegment.Internal Methods endPoint :: Lens' (LineSegment endPoint point) (endPoint point) Source # | |
HasEndPoint (Interval endPoint r) (endPoint r) Source # | |
startAndEndPoint :: (HasStartPoint seg s, HasEndPoint seg e) => seg -> (s, e) Source #
Get both the start and end of something that has a start and end.
inInterval :: forall interval r. (Ord r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> PointLocationResult Source #
Compute where the given query value is with respect to the interval.
Note that even if the boundary of the interval is open we may return OnBoundary.
stabsInterval :: forall interval r. (Ord r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> Bool Source #
Test if the point lies inside in,or on the boundary of, the interval.
Note that even if the boundary of the interval is open we may return OnBoundary.
compareInterval :: (Ord r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> Ordering Source #
test if te point appears before (=LT), in (=EQ), or after (=GT) te interval.
1 `compareInterval` (OpenInterval 0 2)
1 `compareInterval` (OpenInterval 0 1)
1 `compareInterval` (ClosedInterval 0 1)
10 `compareInterval` (OpenInterval 1 10)
10 `compareInterval` (ClosedInterval 0 1)
compareIntervalExact :: (Ord r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> CompareInterval Source #
test if te point appears before, in, or after te interval, or on one of its endpoints.
1 `compareIntervalExact` (OpenInterval 0 2)
1 `compareIntervalExact` (OpenInterval 0 1)
1 `compareIntervalExact` (ClosedInterval 0 1)
10 `compareIntervalExact` (OpenInterval 1 10)
10 `compareIntervalExact` (ClosedInterval 0 1)
data CompareInterval Source #
Data type to represent the result of where a point is with respect to an interval.
Read CompareInterval Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS CompareInterval # readList :: ReadS [CompareInterval] # | |
Show CompareInterval Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class Methods showsPrec :: Int -> CompareInterval -> ShowS # show :: CompareInterval -> String # showList :: [CompareInterval] -> ShowS # | |
Eq CompareInterval Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class Methods (==) :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> Bool # (/=) :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> Bool # | |
Ord CompareInterval Source # | |
Defined in HGeometry.Interval.Class Methods compare :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> Ordering # (<) :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> Bool # (<=) :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> Bool # (>) :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> Bool # (>=) :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> Bool # max :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> CompareInterval # min :: CompareInterval -> CompareInterval -> CompareInterval # |
shiftLeft :: (Num r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> interval Source #
Shifts the interval to the left by delta
shiftRight :: (Num r, Interval_ interval r) => r -> interval -> interval Source #
Shifts the interval to the right by delta
duration :: (Interval_ interval r, Num r) => interval -> r Source #
Get the duration, or length of an interval.
module HGeometry.Interval.EndPoint