{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Ipe.FromIpe(
, _asLineSegment
, _asClosedLineSegment
, _asRectangle
, _asTriangle
, _asPolyLine
, _asSimplePolygon
, _asConvexPolygon
, _asPolygonalDomain
, toPolygonalDomain
, _withAttrs
, HasDefaultFromIpe(..)
, readAll, readAllDeep, readAllFrom
) where
import Control.Lens hiding (Simple)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Vector.NonEmpty (NonEmptyVector)
import HGeometry.Ball
import HGeometry.Box
import qualified HGeometry.Box as Box
import HGeometry.Cyclic
import HGeometry.Ellipse (Ellipse, _EllipseCircle)
import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.Foldable.Util
import HGeometry.LineSegment
import HGeometry.Number.Radical
import HGeometry.Point
import qualified HGeometry.PolyLine as PolyLine
import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
import HGeometry.Polygon.Convex
import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
import HGeometry.Polygon.WithHoles
import HGeometry.Properties
import HGeometry.Triangle
import Ipe.Path
import Ipe.Reader
import Ipe.Types
import System.OsPath
import Witherable
_asPoint :: Prism' (IpeSymbol r) (Point 2 r)
_asPoint :: forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Point 2 r) (f (Point 2 r)) -> p (IpeSymbol r) (f (IpeSymbol r))
_asPoint = (Point 2 r -> IpeSymbol r)
-> (IpeSymbol r -> Maybe (Point 2 r))
-> Prism (IpeSymbol r) (IpeSymbol r) (Point 2 r) (Point 2 r)
forall b s a. (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b
prism' ((Point 2 r -> Text -> IpeSymbol r)
-> Text -> Point 2 r -> IpeSymbol r
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip Point 2 r -> Text -> IpeSymbol r
forall r. Point 2 r -> Text -> IpeSymbol r
Symbol Text
"mark/disk(sx)") (Point 2 r -> Maybe (Point 2 r)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Point 2 r -> Maybe (Point 2 r))
-> (IpeSymbol r -> Point 2 r) -> IpeSymbol r -> Maybe (Point 2 r)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Getting (Point 2 r) (IpeSymbol r) (Point 2 r)
-> IpeSymbol r -> Point 2 r
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a
view Getting (Point 2 r) (IpeSymbol r) (Point 2 r)
forall r r' (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
(Point 2 r -> f (Point 2 r')) -> IpeSymbol r -> f (IpeSymbol r')
_asLineSegment :: Prism' (Path r) (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
_asLineSegment :: forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
(f (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asLineSegment = p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asPolyLine(p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r)))
-> (p (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
(f (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)))
-> p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r))))
-> p (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
(f (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.p (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
(f (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)))
-> p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
forall lineSegment point polyLine.
(ConstructableLineSegment_ lineSegment point,
ConstructablePolyLine_ polyLine point) =>
Prism' polyLine lineSegment
Prism' (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
_asClosedLineSegment :: Prism' (Path r) (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
_asClosedLineSegment :: forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
(f (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asClosedLineSegment = p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asPolyLine(p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r)))
-> (p (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
(f (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)))
-> p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r))))
-> p (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
(f (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.p (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
(f (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)))
-> p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
forall lineSegment point polyLine.
(ConstructableLineSegment_ lineSegment point,
ConstructablePolyLine_ polyLine point) =>
Prism' polyLine lineSegment
Prism' (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
_asPolyLine :: Prism' (Path r) (PolyLine.PolyLine (Point 2 r))
_asPolyLine :: forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asPolyLine = (PolyLine (Point 2 r) -> Path r)
-> (Path r -> Maybe (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> Prism
(Path r) (Path r) (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (PolyLine (Point 2 r))
forall b s a. (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b
prism' PolyLine (Point 2 r) -> Path r
forall {r}. PolyLine (Point 2 r) -> Path r
poly2path Path r -> Maybe (PolyLine (Point 2 r))
poly2path :: PolyLine (Point 2 r) -> Path r
poly2path = Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
forall r. Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
Path (Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r)
-> (PolyLine (Point 2 r) -> Seq (PathSegment r))
-> PolyLine (Point 2 r)
-> Path r
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PathSegment r -> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall a. a -> Seq a
fromSingleton (PathSegment r -> Seq (PathSegment r))
-> (PolyLine (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r)
-> PolyLine (Point 2 r)
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PolyLine (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
forall r. PolyLine (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
path2poly :: Path r -> Maybe (PolyLine (Point 2 r))
path2poly = Getting
(First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Path r) (PolyLine (Point 2 r))
-> Path r -> Maybe (PolyLine (Point 2 r))
forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadReader s m =>
Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
preview ((Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Seq (PathSegment r)))
-> Path r -> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Path r)
forall r r' (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
p (Seq (PathSegment r)) (f (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r'))
pathSegments((Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Seq (PathSegment r)))
-> Path r -> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Path r))
-> ((PolyLine (Point 2 r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Seq (PathSegment r)))
-> Getting
(First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Path r) (PolyLine (Point 2 r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(PathSegment r
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (PathSegment r))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Seq (PathSegment r))
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> Seq a -> f (Seq b)
traverse((PathSegment r
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (PathSegment r))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Seq (PathSegment r)))
-> ((PolyLine (Point 2 r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> PathSegment r
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (PathSegment r))
-> (PolyLine (Point 2 r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (Seq (PathSegment r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(PolyLine (Point 2 r)
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> PathSegment r
-> Const (First (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) (PathSegment r)
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (PathSegment r) (f (PathSegment r))
_asSimplePolygon :: Prism' (Path r) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
_asSimplePolygon :: forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asSimplePolygon = (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Path r)
-> (Path r -> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> Prism
(Path r)
(Path r)
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
forall b s a. (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b
prism' SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Path r
forall r. SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Path r
polygonToPath Path r -> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
forall r. Path r -> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
_asConvexPolygon :: (Num r, Ord r) => Prism' (Path r) (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r))
_asConvexPolygon :: forall r.
(Num r, Ord r) =>
Prism' (Path r) (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r))
_asConvexPolygon = p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asSimplePolygon(p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r)))
-> (p (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))))
-> p (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.p (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
forall (f :: * -> *) point r.
(Num r, Ord r, Point_ point 2 r, VertexContainer f point) =>
Prism' (SimplePolygonF f point) (ConvexPolygonF f point)
Prism' (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (ConvexPolygon (Point 2 r))
_asPolygonalDomain :: Prism' (Path r) (PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r))
_asPolygonalDomain :: forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r)) (f (PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asPolygonalDomain = (PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r) -> Path r)
-> (Path r -> Maybe (PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r)))
-> Prism
(Path r)
(Path r)
(PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r))
(PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r))
forall b s a. (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b
prism' PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r) -> Path r
forall {g :: * -> *} {r}.
(Foldable g, Functor g) =>
PolygonalDomainF g (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r) -> Path r
toPath Path r -> Maybe (PolygonalDomain (Point 2 r))
forall {h' :: * -> *} {r}.
HasFromFoldable h' =>
Path r
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF h' (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
toPath :: PolygonalDomainF g (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r) -> Path r
toPath (PolygonalDomain SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
outer' g (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
holes') =
Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
forall r. Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
Path (Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r) -> Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
forall {r}. SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
pathPiece SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
outer' PathSegment r -> Seq (PathSegment r) -> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall a. a -> Seq a -> Seq a
Seq.<| g (PathSegment r) -> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) a.
(HasFromFoldable f, Foldable g) =>
g a -> f a
forall (g :: * -> *) a. Foldable g => g a -> Seq a
fromFoldable ((SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> PathSegment r)
-> g (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> g (PathSegment r)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> g a -> g b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
forall {r}. SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
pathPiece g (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
pathPiece :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
pathPiece = Orientation -> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
forall r. Orientation -> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
PolygonPath Orientation
toDomain :: Path r
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF h' (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
toDomain Path r
path = ASetter
(PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
(PolygonalDomainF h' (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
(Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(h' (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> (Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> h' (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> PolygonalDomainF h' (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
over ASetter
(PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
(PolygonalDomainF h' (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
(Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(h' (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
forall (h :: * -> *) (f1 :: * -> *) point (h' :: * -> *)
(f2 :: * -> *).
Functor f2 =>
(h (SimplePolygonF f1 point) -> f2 (h' (SimplePolygonF f1 point)))
-> PolygonalDomainF h f1 point -> f2 (PolygonalDomainF h' f1 point)
theHoles Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> h' (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) a.
(HasFromFoldable f, Foldable g) =>
g a -> f a
forall (g :: * -> *) a. Foldable g => g a -> h' a
fromFoldable (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> PolygonalDomainF h' (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF h' (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Path r
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall r.
Path r
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
toPolygonalDomain Path r
toPolygonalDomain :: Path r
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF Seq.Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
toPolygonalDomain :: forall r.
Path r
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
toPolygonalDomain Path r
path = case (PathSegment r
-> Maybe (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall a b. (a -> Maybe b) -> Seq a -> Seq b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Filterable f =>
(a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> f b
mapMaybe (Getting
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(PathSegment r)
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> PathSegment r
-> Maybe (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadReader s m =>
Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
preview (((Orientation, SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> Const
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(Orientation, SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> PathSegment r
-> Const
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(PathSegment r)
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
(f (Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (PathSegment r) (f (PathSegment r))
_PolygonPath(((Orientation, SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> Const
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(Orientation, SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> PathSegment r
-> Const
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(PathSegment r))
-> ((SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> Const
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> (Orientation,
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> Const
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(Orientation, SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> Getting
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(PathSegment r)
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> Const
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> (Orientation,
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> Const
(First (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
(Orientation, SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall s t a b. Field2 s t a b => Lens s t a b
(Orientation, SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
(Orientation, SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
_2)) (Path r
pathPath r
-> Getting (Seq (PathSegment r)) (Path r) (Seq (PathSegment r))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting (Seq (PathSegment r)) (Path r) (Seq (PathSegment r))
forall r r' (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
p (Seq (PathSegment r)) (f (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r'))
pathSegments) of
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
outer' Seq.:<| Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
holes' -> PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> Maybe
(PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)))
-> PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
-> Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
-> PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
forall (h :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) point.
SimplePolygonF f point
-> h (SimplePolygonF f point) -> PolygonalDomainF h f point
PolygonalDomain SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r)
outer' Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
Seq (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
_ -> Maybe (PolygonalDomainF Seq (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (Point 2 r))
forall a. Maybe a
_asRectangle :: forall r. (Num r, Ord r) => Prism' (Path r) (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
_asRectangle :: forall r. (Num r, Ord r) => Prism' (Path r) (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
_asRectangle = (Rectangle (Point 2 r) -> Path r)
-> (Path r -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))
-> Prism
(Path r) (Path r) (Rectangle (Point 2 r)) (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
forall b s a. (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b
prism' Rectangle (Point 2 r) -> Path r
Rectangle (Point 2 r) -> Path (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))
rectToPath Path r -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
rectToPath :: Rectangle (Point 2 r) -> Path (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))
rectToPath = AReview
(Path (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))))
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
-> Path (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview
(Path (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asSimplePolygon (SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
-> Path (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
-> (Rectangle (Point 2 r)
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))))
-> Rectangle (Point 2 r)
-> Path (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Corners (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
forall simplePolygon point r (f :: * -> *).
(SimplePolygon_ simplePolygon point r, Foldable1 f) =>
f point -> simplePolygon
forall (f :: * -> *).
Foldable1 f =>
f (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
uncheckedFromCCWPoints (Corners (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))))
-> (Rectangle (Point 2 r)
-> Corners (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))))
-> Rectangle (Point 2 r)
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rectangle (Point 2 r)
-> Corners (Point 2 (NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))))
forall r rectangle point.
(Num r, Rectangle_ rectangle point, Point_ point 2 r) =>
rectangle -> Corners point
pathToRect :: Path r -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
pathToRect Path r
p = Path r
pPath r
-> Getting
(First (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
(Path r)
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
forall s a. s -> Getting (First a) s a -> Maybe a
(First (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
(Path r)
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asSimplePolygon Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))
-> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
forall a b. Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
asRect :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
asRect :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
asRect SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
pg = case SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
pgSimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Getting
(Endo [Point 2 r]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (Point 2 r)
-> [Point 2 r]
forall s a. s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
^..(Vertex (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> Const (Endo [Point 2 r]) (Vertex (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))))
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Const (Endo [Point 2 r]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
Getting (Endo [Point 2 r]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (Point 2 r)
forall polygon.
HasOuterBoundary polygon =>
IndexedTraversal1' (VertexIx polygon) polygon (Vertex polygon)
(VertexIx (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
(Vertex (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
outerBoundary of
[Point 2 r
a,Point 2 r
b,Point 2 r
c,Point 2 r
| Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Bool
forall {s} {s}.
(NumType s ~ NumType s,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 2 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 2 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
Eq (NumType s), Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s),
Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s)) =>
s -> s -> Bool
isH Point 2 r
a Point 2 r
b Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Bool
forall {s} {s}.
(NumType s ~ NumType s,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
Eq (NumType s), Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s),
Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s)) =>
s -> s -> Bool
isV Point 2 r
b Point 2 r
c Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Bool
forall {s} {s}.
(NumType s ~ NumType s,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 2 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 2 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
Eq (NumType s), Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s),
Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s)) =>
s -> s -> Bool
isH Point 2 r
c Point 2 r
d Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Bool
forall {s} {s}.
(NumType s ~ NumType s,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
Eq (NumType s), Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s),
Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s)) =>
s -> s -> Bool
isV Point 2 r
d Point 2 r
a ->
if Point 2 r
aPoint 2 r -> Getting r (Point 2 r) r -> r
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting r (Point 2 r) r
forall (d :: Nat) point r.
(1 <= d, Point_ point d r) =>
IndexedLens' Int point r
IndexedLens' Int (Point 2 r) r
xCoord r -> r -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Point 2 r
bPoint 2 r -> Getting r (Point 2 r) r -> r
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting r (Point 2 r) r
forall (d :: Nat) point r.
(1 <= d, Point_ point d r) =>
IndexedLens' Int point r
IndexedLens' Int (Point 2 r) r
xCoord then Rectangle (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Rectangle (Point 2 r)
forall point. (Dimension point ~ 2) => point -> point -> Box point
Rectangle Point 2 r
a Point 2 r
else Rectangle (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Rectangle (Point 2 r)
forall point. (Dimension point ~ 2) => point -> point -> Box point
Rectangle Point 2 r
c Point 2 r
| Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Bool
forall {s} {s}.
(NumType s ~ NumType s,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
Eq (NumType s), Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s),
Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s)) =>
s -> s -> Bool
isV Point 2 r
a Point 2 r
b Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Bool
forall {s} {s}.
(NumType s ~ NumType s,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 2 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 2 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
Eq (NumType s), Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s),
Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s)) =>
s -> s -> Bool
isH Point 2 r
b Point 2 r
c Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Bool
forall {s} {s}.
(NumType s ~ NumType s,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
Eq (NumType s), Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s),
Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s)) =>
s -> s -> Bool
isV Point 2 r
c Point 2 r
d Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Bool
forall {s} {s}.
(NumType s ~ NumType s,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 2 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 2 (Dimension s)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
Eq (NumType s), Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s),
Point_ s (Dimension s) (NumType s)) =>
s -> s -> Bool
isH Point 2 r
d Point 2 r
a ->
if Point 2 r
aPoint 2 r -> Getting r (Point 2 r) r -> r
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting r (Point 2 r) r
forall (d :: Nat) point r.
(2 <= d, Point_ point d r) =>
IndexedLens' Int point r
IndexedLens' Int (Point 2 r) r
yCoord r -> r -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Point 2 r
bPoint 2 r -> Getting r (Point 2 r) r -> r
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting r (Point 2 r) r
forall (d :: Nat) point r.
(2 <= d, Point_ point d r) =>
IndexedLens' Int point r
IndexedLens' Int (Point 2 r) r
yCoord then Rectangle (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Rectangle (Point 2 r)
forall point. (Dimension point ~ 2) => point -> point -> Box point
Rectangle Point 2 r
d Point 2 r
else Rectangle (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Rectangle (Point 2 r)
forall point. (Dimension point ~ 2) => point -> point -> Box point
Rectangle Point 2 r
b Point 2 r
[Point 2 r]
_ -> Maybe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
forall a. Maybe a
isH :: s -> s -> Bool
isH s
p s
q = s
ps -> Getting (NumType s) s (NumType s) -> NumType s
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting (NumType s) s (NumType s)
forall (d :: Nat) point r.
(2 <= d, Point_ point d r) =>
IndexedLens' Int point r
IndexedLens' Int s (NumType s)
yCoord NumType s -> NumType s -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== s
qs -> Getting (NumType s) s (NumType s) -> NumType s
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting (NumType s) s (NumType s)
forall (d :: Nat) point r.
(2 <= d, Point_ point d r) =>
IndexedLens' Int point r
IndexedLens' Int s (NumType s)
isV :: s -> s -> Bool
isV s
p s
q = s
ps -> Getting (NumType s) s (NumType s) -> NumType s
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting (NumType s) s (NumType s)
forall (d :: Nat) point r.
(1 <= d, Point_ point d r) =>
IndexedLens' Int point r
IndexedLens' Int s (NumType s)
xCoord NumType s -> NumType s -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== s
qs -> Getting (NumType s) s (NumType s) -> NumType s
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^.Getting (NumType s) s (NumType s)
forall (d :: Nat) point r.
(1 <= d, Point_ point d r) =>
IndexedLens' Int point r
IndexedLens' Int s (NumType s)
_asTriangle :: Prism' (Path r) (Triangle (Point 2 r))
_asTriangle :: forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Triangle (Point 2 r)) (f (Triangle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asTriangle = (Triangle (Point 2 r) -> Path r)
-> (Path r -> Maybe (Triangle (Point 2 r)))
-> Prism
(Path r) (Path r) (Triangle (Point 2 r)) (Triangle (Point 2 r))
forall b s a. (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b
prism' Triangle (Point 2 r) -> Path r
forall {s}. Triangle (PointF (Vector 2 s)) -> Path s
triToPath Path r -> Maybe (Triangle (Point 2 r))
forall {r'}. Path r' -> Maybe (Triangle (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
triToPath :: Triangle (PointF (Vector 2 s)) -> Path s
triToPath = SimplePolygon (PointF (Vector 2 s)) -> Path s
forall r. SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Path r
polygonToPath (SimplePolygon (PointF (Vector 2 s)) -> Path s)
-> (Triangle (PointF (Vector 2 s))
-> SimplePolygon (PointF (Vector 2 s)))
-> Triangle (PointF (Vector 2 s))
-> Path s
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Triangle (PointF (Vector 2 s))
-> SimplePolygon (PointF (Vector 2 s))
forall simplePolygon point r (f :: * -> *).
(SimplePolygon_ simplePolygon point r, Foldable1 f) =>
f point -> simplePolygon
forall (f :: * -> *).
Foldable1 f =>
f (PointF (Vector 2 s)) -> SimplePolygon (PointF (Vector 2 s))
path2tri :: Path r'
-> Maybe
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))))
path2tri Path r'
p = case Path r'
pPath r'
-> Getting
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Path r')
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
-> [SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))]
forall s a. s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
^..(Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> Path r'
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Path r')
forall r r' (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
p (Seq (PathSegment r)) (f (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r'))
pathSegments((Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> Path r'
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Path r'))
-> ((SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> Getting
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Path r')
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(PathSegment r'
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(PathSegment r'))
-> Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Seq (PathSegment r'))
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> Seq a -> f (Seq b)
traverse((PathSegment r'
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(PathSegment r'))
-> Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> ((SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> PathSegment r'
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(PathSegment r'))
-> (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(Seq (PathSegment r'))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> PathSegment r'
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(PathSegment r')
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
(f (Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (PathSegment r) (f (PathSegment r))
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> PathSegment r'
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(PathSegment r'))
-> ((SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> (Orientation,
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> (SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> PathSegment r'
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(PathSegment r')
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> (Orientation,
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
-> Const
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))])
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
forall s t a b. Field2 s t a b => Lens s t a b
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
_2 of
[] -> Maybe
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))))
forall a. Maybe a
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
pg] -> case SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
pgSimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))
-> Getting
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))])
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> [Vertex
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))]
forall s a. s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))])
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
forall graph graph'.
HasVertices graph graph' =>
(VertexIx graph) graph graph' (Vertex graph) (Vertex graph')
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
vertices of
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
c] -> Triangle
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> Maybe
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Triangle
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> Maybe
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))))
-> Triangle
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
-> Maybe
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Vertex
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
-> Vertex
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
-> Vertex
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
-> Triangle
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))))
forall point. point -> point -> point -> Triangle point
Triangle Vertex
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
a Vertex
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
b Vertex
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))]
_ -> Maybe
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))))
forall a. Maybe a
[SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r'))]
_ -> Maybe
(SimplePolygonF (Cyclic NonEmptyVector) (PointF (Vector 2 r')))))
forall a. Maybe a
_asEllipse :: Prism' (Path r) (Ellipse r)
_asEllipse :: forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r)) -> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asEllipse = (Ellipse r -> Path r)
-> (Path r -> Maybe (Ellipse r))
-> Prism (Path r) (Path r) (Ellipse r) (Ellipse r)
forall b s a. (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b
prism' Ellipse r -> Path r
forall {r}. Ellipse r -> Path r
toPath Path r -> Maybe (Ellipse r)
forall {r'}. Path r' -> Maybe (Ellipse r')
toPath :: Ellipse r -> Path r
toPath = Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
forall r. Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
Path (Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r)
-> (Ellipse r -> Seq (PathSegment r)) -> Ellipse r -> Path r
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PathSegment r -> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall a. a -> Seq a
fromSingleton (PathSegment r -> Seq (PathSegment r))
-> (Ellipse r -> PathSegment r) -> Ellipse r -> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Ellipse r -> PathSegment r
forall r. Ellipse r -> PathSegment r
toEllipse :: Path r' -> Maybe (Ellipse r')
toEllipse Path r'
p = case Path r'
pPath r'
-> Getting (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Path r') (Ellipse r')
-> [Ellipse r']
forall s a. s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
^..(Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> Path r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Path r')
forall r r' (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
p (Seq (PathSegment r)) (f (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r'))
pathSegments((Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> Path r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Path r'))
-> ((Ellipse r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Ellipse r'))
-> Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> Getting (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Path r') (Ellipse r')
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(PathSegment r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (PathSegment r'))
-> Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Seq (PathSegment r'))
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> Seq a -> f (Seq b)
traverse((PathSegment r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (PathSegment r'))
-> Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> ((Ellipse r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Ellipse r'))
-> PathSegment r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (PathSegment r'))
-> (Ellipse r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Ellipse r'))
-> Seq (PathSegment r')
-> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Seq (PathSegment r'))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(Ellipse r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (Ellipse r'))
-> PathSegment r' -> Const (Endo [Ellipse r']) (PathSegment r')
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r))
-> p (PathSegment r) (f (PathSegment r))
_EllipseSegment of
[Ellipse r'
e] -> Ellipse r' -> Maybe (Ellipse r')
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Ellipse r'
[Ellipse r']
_ -> Maybe (Ellipse r')
forall a. Maybe a
_asCircle :: (Radical r, Eq r) => Prism' (Path r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
_asCircle :: forall r. (Radical r, Eq r) => Prism' (Path r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
_asCircle = p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r)) -> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r)) -> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
_asEllipse(p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r)) -> p (Path r) (f (Path r)))
-> (p (Circle (Point 2 r)) (f (Circle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r)))
-> p (Circle (Point 2 r)) (f (Circle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.p (Circle (Point 2 r)) (f (Circle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r))
forall r.
(Radical r, Eq r) =>
Prism' (Ellipse r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
Prism' (Ellipse r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
_asDisk :: (Radical r, Eq r) => Prism' (Path r) (Disk (Point 2 r))
_asDisk :: forall r. (Radical r, Eq r) => Prism' (Path r) (Disk (Point 2 r))
_asDisk = p (Circle (Point 2 r)) (f (Circle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r. (Radical r, Eq r) => Prism' (Path r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
Prism' (Path r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
_asCircle(p (Circle (Point 2 r)) (f (Circle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r)))
-> (p (Disk (Point 2 r)) (f (Disk (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Circle (Point 2 r)) (f (Circle (Point 2 r))))
-> p (Disk (Point 2 r)) (f (Disk (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(Disk (Point 2 r))
(Disk (Point 2 r))
(Circle (Point 2 r))
(Circle (Point 2 r))
-> Iso
(Circle (Point 2 r))
(Circle (Point 2 r))
(Disk (Point 2 r))
(Disk (Point 2 r))
forall s t a b. AnIso s t a b -> Iso b a t s
from AnIso
(Disk (Point 2 r))
(Disk (Point 2 r))
(Circle (Point 2 r))
(Circle (Point 2 r))
forall point point' (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
p (Circle point) (f (Circle point'))
-> p (Disk point) (f (Disk point'))
polygonToPath :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Path r
polygonToPath :: forall r. SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Path r
polygonToPath = Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
forall r. Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r
Path (Seq (PathSegment r) -> Path r)
-> (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Seq (PathSegment r))
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Path r
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PathSegment r -> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall a. a -> Seq a
fromSingleton (PathSegment r -> Seq (PathSegment r))
-> (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r)
-> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Orientation -> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
forall r. Orientation -> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> PathSegment r
PolygonPath Orientation
pathToPolygon :: Path r -> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
pathToPolygon :: forall r. Path r -> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
pathToPolygon Path r
p = case Path r
pPath r
-> Getting
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)])
(Path r)
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]
forall s a. s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
^..(Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (Seq (PathSegment r)))
-> Path r -> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (Path r)
forall r r' (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
p (Seq (PathSegment r)) (f (Seq (PathSegment r')))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r'))
pathSegments((Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (Seq (PathSegment r)))
-> Path r -> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (Path r))
-> ((SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (Seq (PathSegment r)))
-> Getting
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)])
(Path r)
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(PathSegment r
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (PathSegment r))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (Seq (PathSegment r))
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> Seq a -> f (Seq b)
traverse((PathSegment r
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (PathSegment r))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (Seq (PathSegment r)))
-> ((SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> PathSegment r
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (PathSegment r))
-> (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> Seq (PathSegment r)
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (Seq (PathSegment r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.((Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)])
(Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> PathSegment r
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (PathSegment r)
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
(f (Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (PathSegment r) (f (PathSegment r))
_PolygonPath(((Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)])
(Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> PathSegment r
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (PathSegment r))
-> ((SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> (Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)])
(Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> PathSegment r
-> Const (Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (PathSegment r)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> (Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> Const
(Endo [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)])
(Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
forall s t a b. Field2 s t a b => Lens s t a b
(Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
(Orientation, SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
_2 of
[SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
pg] -> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
[SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]
_ -> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
forall a. Maybe a
_withAttrs :: Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r) -> Prism' (i r) g
-> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs :: forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
po Prism' (i r) g
pg = ((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)) -> IpeObject r)
-> (IpeObject r -> Maybe (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)))
-> Prism
(IpeObject r)
(IpeObject r)
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
forall b s a. (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b
prism' (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)) -> IpeObject r
g2o IpeObject r -> Maybe (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
g2o :: (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)) -> IpeObject r
g2o = AReview (IpeObject r) (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)) -> IpeObject r
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview (IpeObject r) (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
po ((i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)) -> IpeObject r)
-> ((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> IpeObject r
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ASetter
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
(i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
(i r)
-> (g -> i r)
-> (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
over ASetter
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
(i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
(i r)
forall core extra core' (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
(core -> f core') -> (core :+ extra) -> f (core' :+ extra)
core (AReview (i r) g -> g -> i r
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview (i r) g
Prism' (i r) g
o2g :: IpeObject r -> Maybe (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
o2g IpeObject r
o = Getting
(First (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)))
(IpeObject r)
(i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> IpeObject r -> Maybe (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadReader s m =>
Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
preview Getting
(First (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)))
(IpeObject r)
(i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
po IpeObject r
o Maybe (i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> ((i r :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> Maybe (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)))
-> Maybe (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
forall a b. Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \(i r
i :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)
ats) -> (g
-> Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)
-> g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)
forall core extra. core -> extra -> core :+ extra
:+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i)
ats) (g -> g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
-> Maybe g -> Maybe (g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf i))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Getting (First g) (i r) g -> i r -> Maybe g
forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadReader s m =>
Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
preview Getting (First g) (i r) g
Prism' (i r) g
pg i r
class HasDefaultFromIpe g where
type DefaultFromIpe g :: Type -> Type
defaultFromIpe :: (r ~ NumType g)
=> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r)
instance HasDefaultFromIpe (Point 2 r) where
type DefaultFromIpe (Point 2 r) = IpeSymbol
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (Point 2 r)) =>
(IpeObject r)
(Point 2 r :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe (Point 2 r)) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (IpeSymbol r :+ IpeAttributes IpeSymbol r)
-> Prism' (IpeSymbol r) (Point 2 r)
-> Prism' (IpeObject r) (Point 2 r :+ IpeAttributes IpeSymbol r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (IpeSymbol r :+ IpeAttributes IpeSymbol r)
(f (IpeSymbol r :+ IpeAttributes IpeSymbol r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' IpeSymbol r) (f (IpeObject' IpeSymbol r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (IpeSymbol r :+ IpeAttributes IpeSymbol r)
_IpeUse p (Point 2 r) (f (Point 2 r)) -> p (IpeSymbol r) (f (IpeSymbol r))
p (Point 2 r) (f (Point 2 r)) -> p (IpeSymbol r) (f (IpeSymbol r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Point 2 r) (f (Point 2 r)) -> p (IpeSymbol r) (f (IpeSymbol r))
Prism' (IpeSymbol r) (Point 2 r)
instance HasDefaultFromIpe (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)) where
type DefaultFromIpe (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)) = Path
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))) =>
(IpeObject r)
(ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)
:+ IpeAttributes
(DefaultFromIpe (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
-> Prism' (Path r) (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
-> Prism'
(IpeObject r)
(ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r) :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
(f (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' Path r) (f (IpeObject' Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
_IpePath p (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
(f (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
p (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
(f (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
(f (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
Prism' (Path r) (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r))
instance HasDefaultFromIpe (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)) where
type DefaultFromIpe (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)) = Path
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))) =>
(IpeObject r)
(LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)
:+ IpeAttributes
(DefaultFromIpe (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
-> Prism' (Path r) (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
-> Prism'
(IpeObject r)
(LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r) :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
(f (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' Path r) (f (IpeObject' Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
_IpePath p (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
(f (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
p (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
(f (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
(f (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
Prism' (Path r) (LineSegment AnEndPoint (Point 2 r))
instance HasDefaultFromIpe (Ellipse r) where
type DefaultFromIpe (Ellipse r) = Path
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (Ellipse r)) =>
(IpeObject r)
(Ellipse r :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe (Ellipse r)) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
-> Prism' (Path r) (Ellipse r)
-> Prism' (IpeObject r) (Ellipse r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
(f (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' Path r) (f (IpeObject' Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
_IpePath p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r)) -> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r)) -> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (Ellipse r) (f (Ellipse r)) -> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
Prism' (Path r) (Ellipse r)
instance (Radical r, Eq r) => HasDefaultFromIpe (Circle (Point 2 r)) where
type DefaultFromIpe (Circle (Point 2 r)) = Path
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (Circle (Point 2 r))) =>
(IpeObject r)
(Circle (Point 2 r)
:+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe (Circle (Point 2 r))) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
-> Prism' (Path r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
-> Prism'
(IpeObject r) (Circle (Point 2 r) :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
(f (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' Path r) (f (IpeObject' Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
_IpePath p (Circle (Point 2 r)) (f (Circle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
p (Circle (Point 2 r)) (f (Circle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r. (Radical r, Eq r) => Prism' (Path r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
Prism' (Path r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
Prism' (Path r) (Circle (Point 2 r))
instance (Radical r, Eq r) => HasDefaultFromIpe (Disk (Point 2 r)) where
type DefaultFromIpe (Disk (Point 2 r)) = Path
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (Disk (Point 2 r))) =>
(IpeObject r)
(Disk (Point 2 r)
:+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe (Disk (Point 2 r))) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
-> Prism' (Path r) (Disk (Point 2 r))
-> Prism' (IpeObject r) (Disk (Point 2 r) :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
(f (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' Path r) (f (IpeObject' Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
_IpePath p (Disk (Point 2 r)) (f (Disk (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
p (Disk (Point 2 r)) (f (Disk (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r. (Radical r, Eq r) => Prism' (Path r) (Disk (Point 2 r))
Prism' (Path r) (Disk (Point 2 r))
Prism' (Path r) (Disk (Point 2 r))
instance HasDefaultFromIpe (PolyLine.PolyLine (Point 2 r)) where
type DefaultFromIpe (PolyLine.PolyLine (Point 2 r)) = Path
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) =>
(IpeObject r)
(PolyLine (Point 2 r)
:+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe (PolyLine (Point 2 r))) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
-> Prism' (Path r) (PolyLine (Point 2 r))
-> Prism'
(IpeObject r) (PolyLine (Point 2 r) :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
(f (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' Path r) (f (IpeObject' Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
_IpePath p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (PolyLine (Point 2 r)) (f (PolyLine (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
Prism' (Path r) (PolyLine (Point 2 r))
instance HasDefaultFromIpe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) where
type DefaultFromIpe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) = Path
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))) =>
(IpeObject r)
(SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)
:+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
-> Prism' (Path r) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
-> Prism'
(IpeObject r) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
(f (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' Path r) (f (IpeObject' Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
_IpePath p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)) (f (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
Prism' (Path r) (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
instance (Num r, Ord r) => HasDefaultFromIpe (Rectangle (Point 2 r)) where
type DefaultFromIpe (Rectangle (Point 2 r)) = Path
defaultFromIpe :: forall r.
(r ~ NumType (Rectangle (Point 2 r))) =>
(IpeObject r)
(Rectangle (Point 2 r)
:+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe (Rectangle (Point 2 r))) r)
defaultFromIpe = Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
-> Prism' (Path r) (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
-> Prism'
(IpeObject r) (Rectangle (Point 2 r) :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
forall r (i :: * -> *) g.
Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r)
-> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
_withAttrs p (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
(f (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
forall r (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (IpeObject' Path r) (f (IpeObject' Path r))
-> p (IpeObject r) (f (IpeObject r))
Prism' (IpeObject r) (Path r :+ IpeAttributes Path r)
_IpePath p (Rectangle (Point 2 r)) (f (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
p (Rectangle (Point 2 r)) (f (Rectangle (Point 2 r)))
-> p (Path r) (f (Path r))
forall r. (Num r, Ord r) => Prism' (Path r) (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
Prism' (Path r) (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
Prism' (Path r) (Rectangle (Point 2 r))
readAll :: forall g r. (HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g)
=> IpePage r -> [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
readAll :: forall g r.
(HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g) =>
IpePage r -> [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
readAll IpePage r
p = IpePage r
pIpePage r
-> Getting
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpePage r)
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))]
forall s a. s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
^..([IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> IpePage r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpePage r)
forall r r' (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
([IpeObject r] -> f [IpeObject r']) -> IpePage r -> f (IpePage r')
content(([IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> IpePage r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpePage r))
-> (((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> Getting
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpePage r)
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(IpeObject r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject r))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r]
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
traverse((IpeObject r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject r))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> (((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> IpeObject r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject r))
-> ((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> IpeObject r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject r)
((g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) (NumType g))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) (NumType g)))
-> IpeObject (NumType g)
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject (NumType g))
forall r.
(r ~ NumType g) =>
Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r)
forall g r.
(HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g) =>
Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r)
(IpeObject (NumType g))
(g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) (NumType g))
readAllDeep :: forall g r. (HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g)
=> IpePage r -> [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
readAllDeep :: forall g r.
(HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g) =>
IpePage r -> [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
readAllDeep IpePage r
p = IpePage r
pIpePage r
-> Getting
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpePage r)
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))]
forall s a. s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
^..([IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> IpePage r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpePage r)
forall r r' (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
([IpeObject r] -> f [IpeObject r']) -> IpePage r -> f (IpePage r')
content(([IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> IpePage r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpePage r))
-> (((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> Getting
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpePage r)
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.([IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r])
-> ([IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r]
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) s a.
(Profunctor p, Contravariant f) =>
(s -> a) -> Optic' p f s a
to [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r]
forall r. [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r]
flattenContent(([IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> (((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> ((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.(IpeObject r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject r))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r]
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
traverse((IpeObject r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject r))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r])
-> (((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> IpeObject r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject r))
-> ((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> [IpeObject r]
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
[IpeObject r]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.((g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g)))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))))
-> IpeObject r
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject r)
((g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) (NumType g))
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) (NumType g)))
-> IpeObject (NumType g)
-> Const
(Endo [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
(IpeObject (NumType g))
forall r.
(r ~ NumType g) =>
Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r)
forall g r.
(HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g) =>
Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r)
(IpeObject (NumType g))
(g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) (NumType g))
readAllFrom :: forall g r. (HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g, Coordinate r, Eq r)
=> OsPath -> IO [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
readAllFrom :: forall g r.
(HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g, Coordinate r, Eq r) =>
OsPath -> IO [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
readAllFrom OsPath
fp = (IpePage (NumType g)
-> [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
-> Either Text (IpePage (NumType g))
-> [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))]
forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Either Text a -> m
forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap IpePage (NumType g)
-> [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))]
IpePage (NumType g)
-> [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) (NumType g)]
forall g r.
(HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g) =>
IpePage r -> [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
readAll (Either Text (IpePage (NumType g))
-> [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))])
-> IO (Either Text (IpePage (NumType g)))
-> IO [g :+ Attributes' r (AttributesOf (DefaultFromIpe g))]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO (Either Text (IpePage (NumType g)))
forall r.
(Coordinate r, Eq r) =>
OsPath -> IO (Either Text (IpePage r))
readSinglePageFile OsPath
fromSingleton :: a -> Seq.Seq a
fromSingleton :: forall a. a -> Seq a
fromSingleton = a -> Seq a
forall a. a -> Seq a
flattenContent :: [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r]
flattenContent :: forall r. [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r]
flattenContent = (IpeObject r -> [IpeObject r]) -> [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r]
forall (t :: * -> *) a b. Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b]
concatMap ((IpeObject r -> [IpeObject r]) -> [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r])
-> (IpeObject r -> [IpeObject r]) -> [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
IpeGroup (Group [IpeObject r]
gr :+ IpeAttributes Group r
_) -> [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r]
forall r. [IpeObject r] -> [IpeObject r]
flattenContent [IpeObject r]
IpeObject r
obj -> [IpeObject r