{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  HGeometry.Number.Radical
-- Copyright   :  (C) Frank Staals
-- License     :  see the LICENSE file
-- Maintainer  :  Frank Staals
-- Types that support computing Square roots
module HGeometry.Number.Radical
  ( Radical(..)
  ) where

-- import           Data.Double.Approximate
-- import           Data.Double.Shaman
import qualified Prelude
import           Prelude hiding (sqrt)


-- | Types that support taking a square root.
class Num r => Radical r where
  -- | Computes the square root of the number
  sqrt :: r -> r
  default sqrt :: Floating r => r -> r
  sqrt = r -> r
forall a. Floating a => a -> a

instance Radical Float
instance Radical Double
-- instance Radical (DoubleRelAbs abs rel)
-- instance Radical (SDouble n)
-- instance Radical Shaman